I'm Jiayu Hu.

Welcome to my personal site!


I'm a 4th-year undergraduate student in computer science at Carleton University.

I have a bachelor's degree in accounting at ZUEL.

I have a passion for software & game development, and I am now learning Unity and Unreal Engine to build my own games.

My Programming Skills.

  • Programming languages: Java, C#, Python, C, C++, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Haskell
  • Web Development Libraries and Frameworks: React, React Native, Node.js, Next.js
  • Game Development Engines and Tools: Unity, C++/OpenGL
  • Database Systems: PostgreSQL, MongoDB
  • Development Tools: Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Qt Creator
  • Operating systems: Unix/Linux, Windows
  • Version control: Git, GitHub

My Projects.

Game Projects.

Starfield Jumper

A 2D platformer game on Windows made with C++ for 2024 Develop at Ubisoft Programming Challenge.


Source Code

Mouse in the House (In Development)

A 2D narrative-driven adventure game made with Unity and C#.


Source Code

Natural Call

A visual novel made with Python and library RenPy. It won the second prize in 2023 Hack the Hill Game Jam Challenge.


Source Code

Website and App Projects.

Fitness Club Website

A Full-Stack web application designed to mimick a Health and Fitness Club Management System. Built with Next.js, TypeScript and PostgreSQL.


Source Code

Optical Math Solver

A mobile app that could solve math problems on images. Built with Next Native Expo and Python.

Demo Video

Source Code

co:ver letter

A web app using NLG API co:here to generate your cover letter tailored to your resume and the job description you're applying for. Built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Python.

Source Code

Simple Search Engine

A simple search engine built with Java implementing the Page Rank algorithm.

Source Code

My Arts.

I love drawing digital arts and designing different characters.

Check out some of my arts here!

Get In Touch.

Feel free to contact me if you have any interest.

Let's grab a coffee sometime :D

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